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By PSADMIN 19 JUL 2017 9:30 PM

Elephants are always associated with permanent water and abundant vegetation (an exception to the unique desert elephants from Namibia, which adapts to survive in the harsh conditions of the area). Because elephants do not have sweat glands, water plays an important role in helping them cool down. There are places that they fully reflect some of the most valuable features of humans. They are very emotional. When the whole community gathers in one (even if only to separate a day), they will play with each other, make loud sounds, touch each other's nose so that the other opens his mouth, temples out some of the secretions, and immediately pee and poop together. Interesting, right? Their life span is similar to that of humans (70 years). The time that elephant mothers take care of baby elephants is also close to the time that humans feed young children. The nurture that elephant herds give to young elephants is also the most attractive feature of them. Elephants have the capability to kill human beings, but when encountering human remains, they spread twigs and soil on human remains in the jungle. This is a way that elephants preserve humans and is also a way of their own burial ceremony. Although their bodies are very large (weighing six tons), elephants can always quietly walk through woods, and they can always find a shortcut that can avoid obstacles of nature. Therefore, Africa's major road network is built based on the footprint of elephants in the old days. Ecologists began to realize that if there are no elephants on this continent, it is certainly an entirely different story. If there is no elephant here to eat and digest, many African trees’ seeds cannot germinate and grow. The sound of elephants that is probably the best known is the sound of spraying strong airflow from its nose. However, most of the time, they use infrasound - a low-frequency sound that humans cannot hear with their ears - as their main means of communication. If you are very close with them, your body can truly feel the vibration, or you can clearly see the shaking of the forehead of the elephant.